Agility in florida has become very popular. There are many dog clubs that teach dog agility in florida and hold
dog agility trials as well. From its introduction in this country and the formation of the USDAA, dog agility in
florida has grown. The AKC has a predominant presence in dog agility in florida, but the USDAA and recently,
NADAC and UKC dog agility competitions and trials have grown in number and in size, making Florida a very
big dog agility state. The popularity of dog agility and
canine performance and canine sports events is expected to grow as the number of participants in dog sports, agility, flyball,
and other canine performance events increases at an increasing pace. Florida is home to more than 50 plus dog clubs
participating in dog agility in Florida and nearby states or sponsoring dog agility trials in Florida as well as dog agility demos
and dog agility matches. Florida is the place to be for dog agility.