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Rabies Alert    Broward County: Coral Springs and Parkland

Rabies Alert    Dade County: Coconut Grove

Miami’s Off-leash Dog Parks Threatened by Anti-Dog Activists

Thank You Johnny Winton and Miami City Commission
We Won Round One
!!!!    round one...    next threat..

Council Meeting: City Hall
July 26th at 10 AM

Both of Cocount Grove's Dog Parks are being threatened by attempts to reduce their size. The parks are very popular and very well used. Pet owners have been forced to take a back seat for many years in the allocation of recreation facilities in the city, county and state. Miami-Dade County has over 500 parks covering a total of approximately 12,000 acres. Despite hundreds of thousands of dog owners, not one acre is allotted for use by pet owners. The City of Miami has taken a more modern and realistic approach to accommodating it citizens. Public access to recreation facilities for families with pets has improved in the past year or so by the addition of 2 dog parks in Coconut Grove. Relaxed 'families with pets allowed' rules at most state parks outside of South Florida has also improved access statewide. Rather than lobby for more park space for everyone, anti-dog activists are trying to re-gain parkland that has been allocated for use by pet owners. The City of Miami Parks system has thousands of acres available for recreation. Only a few acres at present are allocated as off-leash dog parks. We should increase this acreage not decrease it. It is important to let your politicians know where you stand and also to monitor their positions. Are they for or against pet owners?