On Thursday June 14, 2001 the City Commission in a 5-0 vote unqualifiedly voted to keep the dog park boundaries the same size.
Hours before the Commission meeting Melissa Myer, the proponent of reducing dog park {which is really people park that allows dogs} tried to pull the plan for reduction from the agenda. Commissioner Winton would not allow this to happen, understanding this was the third such attempt to have dog park supporters show up and find the item removed from the agenda.
We had 71 supporters show to the commission meeting. We handed out more than 36 shirts {donated by Dave Brown} and appeared a sea of white at the commission meeting.
The issue may not be completely finished, but for now lets enjoy the 5-0 vote in favor of people park which allows dogs at Blanche Park.
Marc David Sarnoff, CGNA President
We look forward to seeing you at People park, which allows dogs. |