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doortosummer - Pet Friendly Bibliography
Pet Friendly Bibliography
Vacationing With Your Pet
This book is published by Pet-Friendly Publications, is authored by Eileen Barish and covers the USA and also Canada. It has been featured in articles published in USA TODAY, the NY Times, FAMILY CIRCLE, DOG FANCY and more.
. 688 pages
. $19.95
. 800-638-3637 Check out the full listing of pet travel books by Eileen Barish.
Doin' California With Your Pooch
Another publication by author EileenBarish and Pet-Friendly Publications, it covers travel in California.
. 656 pages
. $19.95
. 800-638-3637 - reviews and more
The Florida Dog Lover's Companion
Foghorn Press, it covers travel in Florida. It is well written, entertaining, accurate, and up-to-date
. 545 pages
. Authors: Sally Deneen and Robert McClure
. - reviews and more
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